Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good bye is the new Hello

Top - COLORBOX, Jegging - Rodeo, Cap and Ring Bracelet - La Dulce

Every second in our life is exactly the new journey. Never waste your time and always be productive. If you are bored play something else and do something else. Watch movie or read books can refresh your mind, also make you more be a creative thinker and practice your brain to helps solve problems in many creative ways. Every good bye is the new Hello! Why? because nobody in this earth is permanent. We'll meet someone else either just to be friends or more than just a friend. Life is actually simple but we always make it difficult. We always think more negative about our self and forget to be proud for what we already had. Be proud it doesn't mean we need to be over proud of everything and than make you be self arrogant. But be proud with grateful feeling. Remember Good bye is the new Hello! Be a kind person it's just a new standard for now, so it's not difficult to be kind to other people. Before we say good bye let's make people around us happier than before and than you can definitely feel the new Hello! welcomes you.

Beautiful words today, xo Margaret =]

Good luck and God Bless!

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  1. kamu cantik :), selalu suka sama foto2 kamu.

    1. terima kasih mutiara...thankyou so much! i love you too
      visit back again soon

  2. stunning ! x perfect styling and photos x


    1. thankyou my dear...you too! amazing! love your site...

  3. omg syang you so skinny. super ngiri and congrats on the job. gak sabar liat pamflet dan plank pake muka kamu bentar lagi kalo udah top :3

  4. Replies
    1. lol is it? but thankyou for loving this version.. <3
      you are just sweet
