It's little bit dark, sorry for the image. The image color is depending on your computer screen resolution and color setting, so do not blame me for that. HEHEHE. I saved my money to buy this perfume. After the perfume arrived at my home and my mom brought it to my room, i couldn't resist! It's so damn good!
It smells so classic and old at the first time your spray to your clothes or your body. After 2 minutes the old smelly thing = gone! I just can smell the nice fragrance from this perfume. Like sweet and girly scents are definitely there. I really recommend this perfume to you guys.
I believe i bought the old bottle from 2011 design. The newest one from 2012 has transparent bottle and it comes with different dress logo as the bottle background. I hope you can search it on Google for the next information. I think the bottle is way too beautiful for room decoration as well. Cute!
Good luck and God Bless!
curious of the smell . nice post!
the bottle is pretty !! love it !!