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Last week, on Sunday... Me, my friends, one of my student, and my host family went to a temple in Sisaket. It was my first time ever and the place was wonderful. The building is so big. This temple consist of museum and place for pray to Buddha or God. This temple is not too tall comparing to other temple in other bigger cities. It has only 4 floors. The view from 4th floor is going to amazed you. Green and peaceful place. You can come to this temple if you visit Sisaket province and ask to local people about it. They surely will help you to reach the destination.
I got my fortune prediction and it was a nice one! You need to try to see your own fortune. If you are not believing in any kind of fortune teller or prediction like me, well just do it for fun and make the fortune prediction to be your inspiration and try to be a better person in your life. Because YOLO.
This temple is quite clean but the public bathroom / toilet is not that clean. It was so dusty and there was no clean water. Make sure you bring tissue or wet tissue with you, just in case you want to pee. If you are a girl and still in your period please make sure you clean it. Do not ever place a blood mark in any kind of temple here.
There are several tourist attractions here in Sisaket. Not as many as other cities but yet, Sisaket is one of my favorite province in Thailand. The other recommended destination is Sisaket Aquarium. You can also visit downtown in Khukhan district. I live in Ta-Ud area in Sisaket, it is a small area. Not many things happen here in my neighborhood. So me and my host family are often going to Khukhan or other areas in Sisaket province.
I feel bad that I forget the name of this temple. But if you visit here, just make sure you say "I want to go to a temple and museum in Sisaket." and the locals would automatically know it (or probably you show my captured photos to them). There is a temple near my home but it's just a small one and nothing really interesting with it. I mean, it doesn't bad either but it's just a holy place for people who want to pray / not a tourist attraction / not a tourist destination. No need to pay if you want to visit local temples here. They will welcome all people who want to visit.
Now, do you want to try to visit this province?
Have been watching your snapchat stories and it looks like you are having a lot of fun in Thailand. Enjoy your time darling! And good luck for being a teacher ^.^