Saturday, March 9, 2019

I'm Changing My Domain:

Hello everyone!

I miss you guys so much!

I am doing fine with my job now. It's funny how I started everything from this blog and now I am working on my dream job. I am being a teacher now. Yeap, I mentioned about this in the previous blog post as well. Go follow @korean101_id if you need a help learning korean language privately with me!

By the way, I am going to make a big announcement now... I am changing my domain. From to!! Something stupid just happened, my website suggested by google as a spam and there was a personal mistake from my credit card account on I also forget to change my data info from my GoDaddy account, because I lost my credit card in Gangnam when I was in Korea.

But my blog remains the same, don't worry! I try to post more about my life here, because I love to write remember? I know some people might miss my blog post about my life and journey. Also about me reviewing some stuff.

Thank you for always be there in my life journey. From me sharing about my struggle in high school life until now I am already working on my own business @korean101_id

See you guys soon! xo

Monday, May 14, 2018

Random : Hello, I am starting a new chapter in my life as first graduate!

Finally, new blog post!


I am not dead. I am still alive. For the longest time, I am wondering about my future. I graduated in December 2017 from Binus University. I took International Relations as my major. I learned Politics and Diplomatic Relations between states. I really want to work in some organizations that connected with it but at the end, my heart is keep saying no.

I am not applying work at famous company or any office like my friends' do. I know that I am not able to work under someone else and working about something that I done truly love. My dad actually asked me to apply to his friend's company but I also declined the offer. I am sure that easily getting bored with routine is my biggest problem.

After long debate with myself and deal with stress, I decided to continue my business. I am teaching Korean language in @Korean101_id and I opened the study service for the first time when it was around 2015. I continue offer several study services such as private course, online class, TOPIK 1 lesson, and also study club. I am okay with this business, the market also grown bigger but I don't know until when Indonesian people would love to learn about this language. I believe that Education is never stop improving, I hope many people still love learning new things such as learning korean language. It is going to be a good opportunity for me.

If you really curious about Korean101 please check our instagram account!

Outside of that, I launched my instagram online store called @areumdaun.pibu, it means beautiful skin based on Korean language. I sell korean original skincare and beauty products. I learn that I don't need to think too much to start something that I actually like and concerned about. I really love selling something and offering people something. Idk why, but I really enjoy it.


I also need your support to make my business and efforts grow better.

I don't think to earn much money, you need to always work under someone else. I honestly earned more than most first graduates' income in Jakarta. I know that having our own business is quite hard and every month we can have different amount of incomes. Meanwhile, people who work in the office can earn mutual/the same amount of money every single month. 

But hey, if you are doing things like me... don't be afraid! Let's face it and show them that we can do better than just working under someone else's arm. If you are prefer working under someone, it doesn't mean your decision is wrong... it's just a matter of preference.

Wish me luck and I hope you discover your near plan!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Giveaway : Skincare x Makeup Giveaway [INSTAGRAM ONLY] - Sephora, Wardah, Ellips, Vaseline, etc.

Hello guys, I am opening a new giveaway! If you want to join before 4th May 2018... you can go straight to my instagram account @margaretavania or basically click here to know more about the giveaway!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and I hope you guys can win my giveaway this time! There are going to be 1 main winner and 2 special winners with secret gift. No need to pay the shipping fee, all guaranteed by me.



SEPHORA Soft Touch Cotton Pads
SEPHORA Soothing Cleansing Milk
WARDAH Lightening Facial Scrub
WARDAH Perfect Bright Lightening Moisturizer
FOREVER 21 Makeup Sponges
ELLIPS Hair Treatment
ELLIPS Vitamin Hair Mask
NATASHA Argan Herbal Shampoo
VASELINE Repairing Jelly Original
MAC Blue Eyeliner Pencil
MAYBELLINE NY White Master Liner

4 Vouchers di Restoran Mang Engking
4 Vouchers di Inul Vizta Karaoke


I can't wait to see your name on my instagram tag!

Memulai Hidup Sehat dengan Minum Yogurt (ekstra: Bukti Foto Healthy Program)

Hello guys, kembali lagi sama Margaret disini!

Di blog post kali ini, aku mau cerita aja nih soal pengalaman nyata aku mengenai bentuk badan yang tidak proporsional khususnya daerah perut dan pola makan yang tidak teratur. Kalian pernah ga sih merasa sudah sibuk dan merasa pola makan sudah tidak teratur?

Sudah 1 bulan belakangan ini aku sibuk dengan aktivitas aku mengajar dan juga mengurus usaha aku yang baru. Ga kerasa kalau aku selalu pulang malam dan juga susah mengontrol dalam hal makan. Olah raga juga ga aku lakukan karena tidak ada waktu. Hal yang membuat aku bingung adalah aku selalu sibuk beraktivitas, tetapi perut tetep aja buncit. Seharusnya karena aku sering bergerak kesana kemari, logikanya harusnya aku ga akan buncit. Mungkin perut buncit ini ga keliatan karena aku selalu pakai baju mayoritas tertutup. Merasa bentuk badan di umur 23 tahun ini mulai tidak terjaga, akhirnya aku cari cara untuk bisa hidup sehat dan juga mengganti waktu olah raga dengan kegiatan aktif yang sama membakar kalori atau lemak jenuh di badan.

Aku baru sadar ternyata beraktivitas tanpa dudukung olah raga atau pola makan teratur dan sehat itu juga percuma untuk maintain / menjaga kondisi bentuk badan.

Akhirnya aku mulai merubah pola hidup aku. Aku dalam 1 bulan ini selalu bangun jam 9 pagi walaupun aku selalu memiliki jam kerja di atas jam 1 siang. Aku isi dengan sit up atau lari-lari kecil di rumah. Diawali sarapan buah dan juga banyak minum air putih. Kalau lapar banget, ya aku makan karbo sedikit seperti nasi dan lauk. Nah, kebetulan dulu aku selalu sedia yogurt di kulkas karena gatau kenapa selalu merasa lebih kenyang "sehat" dengan minum yogurt. Karena belakangan aku jarang peduli sama kesehatan, aku ga pernah lagi stock yogurt di kulkas.

Biasanya aku stock yogurt Heavenly Blush yang 3 rasa, Strawberry, Blackcurrant, dan Peach. Aku bahkan juga pernah membuat review waktu dulu karena aku penggemar berat dari brand yogurt ini. Karena rasanya ga terlalu manis, jadi enak kalau sesudah makan minum ini atau bahkan sebelum makan pun tetep enak ga buat kembung / mual / rasanya juga pas tidak kemanisan. Justru kalau kemanisan aku takut karena ga akan bawa perubahan ke badan. Adanya gula bisa naik lagi, padahal umur masih muda.

Nah akhirnya sebulanan belakangan ini aku kembali stock yogurt-yogurt di kulkas. Berasa kayak mba mba jualan yogurt di rumah. Ga masalah, yang penting ada asupan untuk memperlancar metabolisme badan dan buat lancar BAB. Dengan harapan perut buncit hilang dan lebih sehat lagi.

(Kalian bisa lihat kandungan nilai gizi di packagingnya dan packagingnya sangat travel friendly. Tidak mudah tumpah dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana. Cocok banget buat kalian yang sibuk kerja atau beraktivitas tetapi tetap mau bertekad hidup sehat!)

Aku cuma mau kasi tau Heavenly Blush ini juga mengeluarkan yogurt series namanya Greek Yogurt.  Semenjak ada seri ini, aku juga beli beberapa kotak untuk stock di rumah. Kebetulan orang rumah juga pada suka yang rasa classic ini.

Uniknya juga bisa langsung diminum dengan texture creamy dan kental kaya dengan nutrisi yang menjaga perut kita, memperlancar BAB, dan juga menutrisi vitamin dan lemak baik dalam tubuh.  Biasanya kan greek yogurt ini selalu hadir dalam bentuk cup / mangkok dan agak susah dibawa-bawa karena aku harus sedia sendok. Biasanya aku makan greek yogurt selalu aku bawa di tempat bekal dan dibawa-bawa setiap aku berangkat kerja, kali ini aku cuma perlu bawa 1 kotak dan dimasukin di tas setiap harinya.


Kalian mau lihat setelah minum yogurt dari Heavenly Blush terutama yang rasa classic dari Greek Yogurt seriesnya, perut aku berhasil perlahan kembali ke bentuk semula. Tentu didukung dengan banyak jalan kaki dan sit up atau olah raga ringan. Aku memang selama di rumah selalu olah raga ringan dan waktu menuju tempat kerja biasanya aku banyak jalan kaki. Jadi memang tidak tiba-tiba langsung hilang perut buncitnya. Ada jeda waktu 1 bulan dan ditambah aku rajin minum yogurt selama 2 minggu terakhir.

Ini aku ada perbandingan fotonya ya!

Bulan lalu perut aku masih terlihat buncit, Maret 2018 :

Sekarang aku menulis blog, tanggal 20 April 2018:

Aku sendiri pun ga percaya kalau kebiasaan hidup itu jika diperbaiki juga bener-bener ada hasilnya. Tapi tetep kebiasaan ini harus selalu dijaga teratur. Kalau engga pasti bentuk badan dan kesehatan akan jadi buru lagi. Ini foto tidak diedit sama sekali, aku foto pakai kamera handphone.

Cheating day aku setiap hari minggu dan biasanya aku bisa makan apa pun yang aku mau. Tetapi dari hari Senin sampai dengan Sabtu biasanya akan aku kontrol. Pagi jangan terlalu banyak nasi atau yang terlalu berat, siang aku makan kenyang, dan malam juga aku mengurangi nasi. Berhentilah makan sebelum terlalu kenyang kalau kata orang. Makan yang penting cukup, tidak berlebihan dan tidak kekurangan.

Nah kalau kalian gimana? Disela-sela kesibukan apa nyempetin berolah raga atau minum yogurt? Atau apakah kalian menjaga pola makan dan apa yang kalian makan?


Oia, Heavenly Blush juga lagi ngadain lomba sharing cerita unik kalian di blog dan sosial media platform loh! Hadiahnya bisa menangin tiket ke Yunani dan masih banyak lagi! Kalau kalian tertarik, kalian bisa cari hashtag #HeavenlyBlushGreekSecret dan untuk tahu persyaratan dan langkah juga bisa kalian lihat di link ini!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

My Journey in Jakarta - KOPI KOTAKU + Simple OOTD


Jl. Wijaya I No.73, RT.10/RW.1, Petogogan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12170

Opening Hours:
Monday - Sunday 9AM-9PM

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! Long time no write (what kind of phrase is this lol). I want to put a good cafe review in Jakarta for some people who want to explore more about Jakarta and more good cafe to visit with your clients / business partner / family / your partner / yourself. I went to this cute cafe after I got a recommendation from my other friend from her social media. I really love to visit cute or aesthetically pleasing cafe. Even tho, I am not an aesthetic person or tumblr addict. I just easily getting bored with same place.

I usually grab my coffee in Starbucks which is nothing special. Everyone in this world knows Starbucks and I couldn't take good photo inside Starbucks because ... Starbucks interiors are all the same all over Indonesia. I don't know about the other country. I ever visited Starbucks in Thailand and their stores just the same as others. 

So let's get straight to the point about this cafe called KOPI KOTAKU. 

Interior and Concept:

They use Japanese minimalistic as their cafe theme. I am not knowing much about the art of coffee in Japan or Japanese related things, I just love the place because it's clean, simple, and a great place to take some pictures for your instagram feed or your own collection. Also the price is quite affordable, way cheaper than Starbucks. 

Food and Beverages:

I ordered Matcha or Green Tea Latte and my second drink was Coffee Milk or well known as Kopi Susu in Bahasa Indonesia. Also a single salted egg / cheese (I don't remember much) croissant. My friend also ordered Vanilla Latte and one cup of Kopi Susu. You can search on ZOMATO phone app about the menu and the price details. I couldn't write one by one all their menu here. 


Everyone who helped me and my friend with order is nice. Quick service and I have no complain. Wi-fi access is quite fast as well.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Random : Managing Long Distance Relationship and Becoming International Couple?

Hello guys, welcome back again to my blog! I never update random talking blog post like this since long time ago. I never update much about my love life on my social media or update so many photos just like other couples might do. I don't think updating or over share too much on internet is a good thing, especially talking about our personal stuff.

But today, I might share something a little bit personal thing. Yeap, from the title you already know that I am going to talk about my relationship. My boyfriend is sleeping now in his house, in Korea. Meanwhile I am still awake in my own room, in Indonesia. So better I make a random talking blog post and you guys can learn something from our journey. Actually we never know until when we are going to be together, but we are actually thinking about the next step and mentioning that "next step" several times in our conversation. Still,... no one knows what will happen next in our life right?

If some of you are not following my instagram and never watch my instagram live video, you probably don't know that we both are having different nationality. I am Indonesian and he is korean. Nothing like korean drama, everything is honestly difficult to maintain long distance relationship and living as international couple. We fight a lot about small things that I never think those are big problems and vice versa. Cultural differences are a bit hard to manage actually, because we see things differently. For example: Usually in my home, we are cleaning up together. My mom will clean up her room, me and my brother'll clean up our own room, and later we clean all parts in the house together. Meanwhile, when I slept over in his house and with his family... because I am the youngest, I need to offer myself to do so many things because that's basic manner in korean society. In my home, we never thought that the youngest must do or offer all housework / other works. Because my parents told me about being "equal".

Yea, something like that... sometimes we fight about simple thing like that lol. 

We met accidentally. We never have mutual friends. We don't have anything in common especially in hobby or the way we dressing up. I really care about fashion items and how I look if I am going out. Meanwhile he always told me that he is fashion terrorist ahahahaha. He loves extreme sport and I don't. I prefer sit and drink coffee in cafe, listening to indie music or YG artists' songs.

It was just like magic? We met just like that. After 2 weeks of chatting. He was discovering me from instagram and he said that he already followed me for quite some times.

He used to live in Indonesia for working of his father's company. He stayed in here for 2 years and he can speak a little bit Bahasa Indonesia, at least for daily conversation.. he's pretty good.


Long distance relationship as a tough one for sure. Actually I am typical person that can wait and do something else to make me not really feel lonely / being trap with emotional feeling. But I know that guys in general are also really hard managing relationship. Because guys are more physically attract to women. We experience a broke up when we almost hit 300 days in relationship. It was bad in emotional and crushing my heart into pieces because I give all that I have to maintain this relationship. I don't necessarily need to mention a complete info,... I believe every break up is sad or it will make you feel lonely after several months or even after several days from the break up day.

We came back together because actually we were always in a serious relationship and I honestly love his soul. I ever thinking for not coming back, but after I talked with his mom and him on night in his apartment in Suwon... I am considering it again. How many days we've been together? When this post is getting published, we will hit 474 days for being together. 

Tips in managing "long distance relationship"? Trust and keep communicating. Please keep communicating. At least saying "good morning, I am going to work and will finish at.... pm. I will contact you after work." it doesn't hurt you right? It will make your other half happy to see your message or call everyday. I don't really hold him too much, he can go to work, hangout and drink soju with his friends or his family. Because I always go out with my friends, working, and also have my own time with myself. 

I never imagine that I will meet him or having another korea boyfriend (because my last ex boyfriend is also korean). I don't even know how to continue this random blog post. Yea, pretty much.... having korean boyfriend is not the same as being inside of korean drama. You need to please his mother as well with ability of understanding korean culture including korean language and how to cook well. You also need to be smart at least for surviving in your own life, living with her son, and maybe having a kid in the future. Taking a korean mother's heart is not easy at all. I never try so hard on his family too. I am just being me, explaining that I was a good student in my university, and coming from a good background. No need to be worry if your son is dating with me.

Same as Indonesian parents are pretty strict about "having a relationship with foreigner". My boyfriend needs to take my parents' heart and show them that he is a responsible man. Say sorry if we are coming back late, drop me at my house if it's already late at night, say hi to my parents if they joined the video call, impress them with good attitude, and because my family is Christian.... he needs to show respect for our family's belief. 

It's hard but we never regret that we met. We learn a lot from each other. I hope we can grow up together in age, experience, and carrier. Saving a lot of money for the future and live happily. I don't know how future welcome us, but we are not just boyfriend and girlfriend, we are best friends and family.

Beauty Review : Catrice DELUXE Glow Highlighter 010 The Glowrious Three

Hello guys, I am back with another beauty product review. This is my first time trying a highlighter palette or highlighter product in general from Catrice. Honestly I am not a fan of using highlighter, that's the reason why I am so picky with highlighter. Once I hate, I probably never want to use it again. Because what's the point using highlighter that has nothing to do on my skin right?

Let's come back and talk about this product!

Positive Points:
  1. Price is affordable. [I am pretty picky with price on makeup. Sometimes I spend more for high quality makeup, but not every time I will spend $50+ only for one product lately. I have some other things that I need]
  2. Compact packaging and it doesn't look "too cheap" as drugstore makeup.
  3. These 3 colors are great in every kind of skin tone in my thought. Because this product is suitable for makeup beginners who don't know much about where to apply highlighter and the real function of highlighter.
  4. You can see pretty much all details about this product at the back of the packaging. Also guide picture for makeup beginner.
  5. Travel friendly, you can carry on inside your makeup bag or traveling pouch. It's not heavy and you will get 3 colors in one palette.
  6. If you like less highlight pigmentation and really like "no makeup" makeup, probably you will love this!
Negative Points:
  1. I really want to try to love this product with all my heart. But I can't. The pigmentation is not really there. If you see from the swatches, you definitely can see 3 colors from this palette... it is because I am swatching those colors more than once. Unless you are pretty patient, you can reapply over and over again on your face until you see the highlight color pops out.
  2. The formula is not creamy and too powdery. Somehow it makes this product a little bit chalky.

Do you want to read more review about other beauty products?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Giveaway : Skincare x Bodycare 2nd Giveaway in 2018 [INSTAGRAM ONLY]


Let's start to taking care our body and skin! Also help me spread more awareness.

How to join:
1. Follow @margaretavania + Repost foto ini + tag me.
2. Tulis caption menjawab pertanyaan "Apakah merawat kulit kalian itu hal penting? Mana yang kamu pilih kulit sebagai dasar yang bagus / makeup yang bagus?
3. TAG 3 teman kalian + pakai hashtag #margaretavaniagiveaway di caption untuk membantu menyebarkan awareness mengenai "kulit yang sehat".
4. Jika semua step sudah dipenuhi ketik "DONE" di kolom komen foto ini.
5. (Optional) Jika kamu spam LIKES di postingan-postingan aku, maka akan menjadi nilai tambah.

Caption dengan awareness message terbaik yang akan aku pilih.



You will get:

@etudehouseofficial SNAIL Sheet Mask
@innisfreeofficial Superpore Tightening Mask + ROSE Sheet Mask + Mini Toner
@garnierindonesia Greentea Mask
@3concepteyes_stylenanda Milk Cream
@larocheposay Facial Wash
@skinfood_official Gold Caviar Collagen Serum
@ferragamo Body Lotion
@givenchybeauty @givenchyofficial Mini Perfume
@lactacydloveyourv Soap
@ellipse_haircare Balinese Essential Oil for Hair
Body Massage Oils from Bali

HELLO KITTY Mini Makeup Brushes
SCOOP Brush Holder Pot
@miniso.official Case
@flos.acc earrings