Monday, December 25, 2017

Beauty Review : Purbasari HI-MATTE Lip Cream Hydra Series (All Colors)

No. 1 Vinca, No. 2 Azalea, No. 3 Lantana, No. 4 Zinnia, No. 5 Freesia

Hello guys, I am on my Christmas and New Year holiday now. By the way, Merry Christmas and happy a joyful holiday with your closest ones. Meanwhile I am not doing anything special today, I will write my honest review about Purbasari HI-MATTE Lip Cream Hydra Series that I got from a drugstore called "Watsons". Pretty much is a famous drug store in South East Asia, especially in Indonesia and Singapore. They are selling medicines until drug store makeups or any other random cute products in a great deal.

Comeback to the point about this brand, Purbasari. Purbasari is a Indonesian local brand. I already knew this brand since I was a little kid. But back then Purbasari only produced skin care or body care products. In the past 2 years, they have been developing some new cosmetic products which is so surprising because THEY ARE DOING FINE. WELL DONE AND GOOD JOB PURBASARI.

I am writing this post not based on any collaboration or endorsement contract. But I tried their products. I use their body scrub / lulur mandi while I am taking shower, tried their matte lipsticks, and now I am trying all of their recent lip cream named HI-MATTE Lip Cream Hydra Series. I got all of these on holiday season and watsons offer me a good discount. THANKS WATSONS LOL.

Okay, let's put on review!

  1. Packaging looks fancy meanwhile the price is so budget friendly ($5 each)
  2. Pigmentation = buildable for all colors.
  3. Magically all of these colors are suitable for all skin types and skin colors. If you have lighter or darker skin, you all are safe!
  4. It doesn't have any weird smell or any perfume in it.
  5. Applicator is not too big, it helps us for apply easier on our lips.
  6. Travel friendly!
  7. DRY LIPS? NO PROBLEM! These are not going to make your lips dry after application. But make sure you take care of your lips before application by using lip balm or lip scrub. Do not blame the product if your rusty lips are the real problem! lol
  1. It's not kissproof or waterproof.
  2. Sadly they only offer 5 colors for a moment. (Personally, I don't put on a hate about this point, but might be some people want more colors in the future.)
My favorites are No. 2 Azalea, No. 3 Lantana, and No. 5 Freesia. This package is a great idea for birthday gift or christmas gift for your beloved ones.

Wanna see swatches on my lips? Slide on my instagram post down below!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Giveaway : Christmas 2017 x New Year Giveaway 2018 [INSTAGRAM ONLY + OPEN WORLD WIDE]

Hey guys, I open a New Year and Christmas giveaway + it will be spread positivity about "beauty is relatively described". Anyone can join!

How to join:
1. Follow @margaretavania and @flos.acc 
2. Repost this picture on your instagram account and tag me + @flos.acc + use hashtag #margaretavaniagiveaway
3. Put a caption answering this question: "What's beauty in your opinion?" (Apa kecantikan menurut pendapat kamu?) dan tag 2 orang teman kamu di caption untuk ikut join + spread positive message.

You will get:
Etude House MAKEUP BOX with mirror, @flos.acc earrings, Baviphat BB Cream, The SAEM handcream, Etude House Snail Sheetmasks, Bunny lashes, Etude House Skin care, Hair comb, Innisfree samples, MeNow Matte Lipsticks, and Cupcake Lipbalm

ALL WORTH Rp 2,200,000 and all items mostly bought when I was in Korea.

Giveaway open from 16 Dec 2017 - 17 January 2018 and I will choose randomly. AKUN JANGAN DIPRIVATE!


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Monday, December 18, 2017

Beauty Review : Maybelline COLORSHOW Lipsticks (Affordable Lipsticks for Makeup Beginner)

Hello everyone!

I am back again to my blog, after I am taking a hella long break from blogging. Finally I graduated from my university! YEY! Now, I can work on things that I love which is blogging (also teaching foreign languages to my students).

Comeback to the main point, I just want to share my collection of MAYBELLINE NEW YORK COLORSHOW LIPSTICKS. I have 6 lipsticks here. Here are all the names:

  1. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 105 - Pinkalacious
  2. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 107 - Pink Paradise
  3. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 202 - Red My Lips
  4. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 212 - Neon Red
  5. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 402 - Plum-tastic
  6. Maybelline COLORSHOW No. 301 - True-toffee (matte but not too matte? I am feeling so confused with this one to be honest)
Defenitely my favorite colors are No. 105 and No. 202. 


Positive points:
  1. Well made packaging for such an affordable price
  2. So many good variation of colors. You still can rock these colors if you are not having a bright skin.
  3. Easy to use, especially if you are a beginner or non professional.
  4. Easy to blend to give you natural finish or lip tint / lip gradation effect.
  5. It smells like candy or cookies.
  6. Travel friendly.
  7. Affordable especially for you that living in a tight budget for makeup, ONLY $2-$3!
  8. About the color pigmentation, GREAT!
  9. Texture is creamy.
Negative points:
  1. Sadly you pay $2-$3 for a little amount of lipstick in that container. But well, this product is still good for beginner.
  2. Do not put under the sun / super hot sun light, it is going to melt for sure!
  3. Some people might like it and some people might hate this, it is not waterproof. Do not expect you can go swimming with your boyfriend and wearing this lipstick.
They are coming with highlighting sticks, color corrector sticks, and many more. I really recommend Play 101 Stick by Etude House!


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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Cantik Apapun Warna Kulitnya

Hai teman-teman semua, balik lagi bersama aku Margaret. Ya, kali ini aku akan sharing dalam Bahasa Indonesia saja ya. Topik hari ini mengenai warna kulit atau bisa saja aku sebut Beauty of Diversity. 

Kenapa Diversity? Karena aku tinggal di Indonesia mengenal dan berinteraksi dari orang-orang yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang yang berbeda-beda, khususnya suku atau daerah. Hal itu yang membuat aku senang tinggal di Indonesia, karena aku berpikir hidup disini tidak akan merasa monoton. Tetapi aku lagi mau bahas soal warna kulit nih. Sebelumnya apa kalian pernah diejek atau dianggap tidak cantik hanya karena warna kulit kalian? Apa kalian pernah diperlakukan berbeda karena itu?

Aku pribadi pernah diperlakukan berbeda hanya karena perbedaan warna kulit. Di keluarga aku sendiri, orang tua aku masih percaya bahwa orang yang tampan atau cantik itu memiliki kulit putih. Memiliki kulit putih juga bagus dan ga ada salahnya. Akan tetapi tidak semua dari kita lahir memiliki warna kulit yang sama. Tidak ada standarisasi soal ukuruan cantik atau tampan dilihat dari warna kulit. Jujur saja, itu membuat aku sakit hati setiap orang tua sendiri memprotes warna kulitku. Warna kulit aku sendiri adalah kuning langsat, tidak terlalu seperti sawo matang dan tidak terlalu gelap maupun terlalu putih. Sedangkan di keluargaku memang masih banyak saudara yang berkulit putih dan cerah.

Selain itu aku juga beberapa kali pergi ke Korea, well... itu negara asia juga. Mayoritas negara asia masih percaya mitos bahwa ya yang cantik atau tampan mereka yang putih. Itu aku sempat rasakan ketika aku ingin membeli barang di sebuah toko, bahkan ada beberapa pelayan yang sampai mention atau mengomentari warna kulitku. Mungkin karena aku tidak terlalu masuk dalam level kecantikan / stereotype kecantikan orang-orang di negara asia.

Menurut aku, semua orang khususnya wanita adalah cantik apapun warna kulit mereka. Kita harus bangga dengan diri kita dengan warna kulit kita yang sudah dianugerahi oleh Tuhan. Colorful Indonesia is truly wonderful :) Bahkan banyak kok publik figur yang tidak bisa menikmati hidup hanya karena ingin memiliki kulit putih dan melakukan aktivitas khususnya outdoor dengan terbatas. Menurut aku ini kesalahan besar. Sementara kulit dengan warna apapun juga bisa juga sehat kok dengan perawatan kulit, khususnya sabun muka yang tepat. Sabun muka yang bisa membersihkan kulit kita, merawat, dan membantu memancarkan warna cerah alami kulit kita. Jangan mencari produk yang asal "memutihkan" apa lagi yang instan. Ga selamanya loh pakai sabun-sabun muka atau perawatan pemutih kulit itu sehat. Kita tidak akan pernah tau jangka panjangnya seperti apa.

Kalau kalian pernah mengalami pengalam seperti aku dan bahkan sampai diperlakukan berbeda, kalian perlu dukung campaign yang diadakan oleh Clean & Clear® yang mendukung remaja Indonesia dalam perbedaan warna kulit! Ikuti campaign #BanggaDenganWarnaKulitmu di website  

  • Kalian bisa log in dengan facebook.
  • Upload foto kalian
  • Screenshot dan share campaign ini di social media kamu!
Contohnya seperti yang sudah aku lakukan di bawah ini!

A post shared by Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger 🇮🇩 (@margaretavania) on

Ayo kita sebarkan awareness ini demi society kita yang lebih baik lagi!
Karena semua orang patut diperlakukan sama apapun warna kulitnya!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Beauty Review : Etude House Play 101 Stick No.11 & No.12

Hello everyone! 

I am coming back again with another beauty product review. Today, I want to write my opinion about Etude House Play101 Stick. I was getting No.11 for contouring and No. 12 for blush. I bought these two in Etude House store near in Idae area, Seoul, South Korea.

Let's directly talking about positive and negative points!

Positive points:
  1. Cute packaging.
  2. Play 101 Stick is coming with so many good variation of colors.
  3. Easy to use, especially if you are a beginner or non professional.
  4. Easy to blend to give you natural finish.
  5. It doesn't smell like chemical or strong.
  6. Travel friendly.
  7. Affordable especially for you that living in a tight budget for makeup.
  8. About the color pigmentation, GREAT! You will get for what you see on the packaging.
  9. Creamy texture!
Negative points:
  1. Be careful with the roller thingy, because it's rolling up. I don't know, I just feel it can be broken if you are not using it carefully. Same as lipstick, it can be broken as well.
  2. Do not put under the sun / super hot sun light, it is going to melt.
  3. It is not waterproof. If you want to get waterproof cream blush or contour, this Play 101 Stick is not for you!
They are coming with highlighting sticks, color corrector sticks, and many more. I really recommend Play 101 Stick by Etude House!


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