Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Beauty Review : Holiday Romantic Makeup - 홀리데이 로맨틱 메이크업

Hello everyone! Finally, I am back with a new beauty post and my newest makeup tutorial for holiday season. I hope all of you can be inspired and can enjoy your holiday with your beloved ones.

Here are the products that I use for this tutorial (click the link for several brands to see the reviews) :

- Base : Etude House Beauty Shot Face Blur [SPF 15 / PA+]
- Foundation : NYX HD Foundation No.3 + No.4
- Powder : Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder
- Eyebrow : Mac Eyeshadow - Color : Carbon
- Eyeshadow Palette : The Faceshop Eyeshadow quads / Face It Designing Eye Shadow No.1
- Eyeliner : Maybelline New York Hyper Sharp 
- Blush : Revlon - 04. Soft Spoken Pink
- Highlighter : from Japan
- Lip color : NYX matte Lip Cream - Stockholm

By the way, do not forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel for more videos in the future! Happy watching!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Journey to Belitung Island - Island Hopping (Pulau Kepayang, Pulau Burung, Pulau Lengkuas, & Pulau Pasir)

If you guys want to visit Belitung, please make sure to always care about our environment. DO NOT LITTER (JANGAN BUANG SAMPAH ANDA DI SEMBARANG TEMPAT). Because Belitung is such a beautiful place to visit. I just hope all local or international tourists care about the local environment.
Kepayang Island

We were waiting for our boat at Tanjung Kelayang. We got our lunch at Kepayang Island, but some locals called this island as Pulau Kepayang or Pulau Babi (babi means pig in Bahasa Indonesia) or Pulau Gede (gede means huge or humongous in Bahasa Indonesia)

Continue our journey before we left this island to go to another small islands (part of Belitung Island Hopping Tour). We decided to visit a turtle breeding place. We walked around 10 - 15 minutes. Walk around again and we found a nice view at the back area. 

Burung Island

Finished our to do lists in Kepayang Island, we continued our journey to Burung Island or the locals called this island as Pulau Burung. (Burung means bird in Bahasa Indonesia). You can see an amazing view and a lot of birds are flying everywhere. You also can see so many granite stones that looked alike as Garuda Bird (our country national symbol). 

We already brought some baby turtles with us and we decided to release those baby turtles.

Lengkuas Island

We continued our journey again to see the amazing lighthouse at Lengkuas Island (Pulau Lengkuas). But we couldn't go to the top because that light house was still under renovation. But well, we still took a lot of nice photos there. After that some of us decided to go snorkeling near Lengkuas Island.

Pasir Island

Kepayang Island, Burung Island, Lengkuas Island, and the last destination was Pasir Island. The special thing about this island, if the water level is quite high... this island is going to disappear. But if the water level is not that high, you can visit this island and find so many starfishes.

I really want to comeback to this island again, but I don't have time to do that. Because next year, I am going to comeback to Seoul and I am saving my own money. If I have so many free time and enough money from my own pocket, probably Belitung is going to be on my top list.

I really recommend this place to all tourists from around the world, even for all Indonesian people. Discover more about local tourism destinations, you will feel surprise. Our country, Indonesia is freaking rich. You can see the exact real mother nature that you probably can only imagine that before.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Black Marble

Top & Jogger Pants – www.cantik.com, Shoes – Adidas Superstar Leopard Core Black

Hello everyone, I am coming back again with a casual look. I always run away from my blog because I’m busy. I have so many deadlines from my univ. I really miss holiday and I always work almost everyday. I teach korean language to my own followers (you can follow @korean101_id for more info).

I want to thank www.cantik.com for sponsoring the whole look today. If you want to search high quality fashion pieces with nicest deals, you can go straight to www.cantik.com. Their service is also great. My outfits were arrived only in 3 days.


Don't forget to join their blog competition and win so many amazing prices! Click here!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Beauty Review : 4 Kesalahan Make Up Ini Bikin Wajah Terlihat Tua

Semua wanita pasti ingin tampil memukau di setiap kesempatan. Hal inilah yang kemudian membuat wanita rajin melakukan eksplorasi make up. Ragam produk make up baru yang bermutu akan mendukung kecantikan wanita tampak lebih natural.

Kunjungi toko online Indonesia dari Lippo Group Untuk Belanja Make Up !

Lippo Group launching toko online di Indonesia. Berbagai macam produk tersedia di toko online terpercaya yang mengambil nama MatahariMall.  Demi memenuhi kebutuhan wanita Indonesia, MatahariMall menyediakan berbagai pilihan produk kosmetik berkualitas dan sesuai dengan kebuthan Anda. Ya, MatahariMall adalah solusi untuk kebutuhan make up para wanita.

Anda bisa memperoleh lip color, makeup blush, eyeshadow berbagai merek dan ukuran sesuai dengan yang Anda butuhkan. Namun mengenakan make up memang bisa membuat wanita tampil cantik, asalkan dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar. Dan sebaiknya Anda teliti menghindari 4 kesalahan ini agar make up tidak membuat wajah Anda terlihat tua :

Terlalu Sering Membersihkan Wajah

Membersihkan wajah memang baik untuk menyingkirkan debu, sisa make up, dan minyak yang tertinggal di wajah. Tetapi nyatanya membersihkan wajah terlalu sering malah tidak baik untuk kesehatan wajah. Pasalnya, ada beberapa produk pembersih wajah yang bisa membuat kulit wajah menjadi kering. Dan tentu saja kulit wajah yang terlalu kering bisa membuat Anda cepat keriput.
Solusinya, bersihkan wajah maksimal 2 kali sehari agar wajah Anda tetap lembap alami.

Menggunakan Foundation yang Bersifat Berat

Foundation sering kali diandalkan wanita untuk menutupi kerutan, noda hitam, atau bekas jerawat di wajah. Mungkin foundation dapat mengatasi hal tersebut, namun penggunaan secara berlebihan dalam jangka panjang justru berpotensi merusak kesehatan kulit wajah.
Daripada sibuk menutupi kekurangan di wajah, lebih baik Anda melakukan perawatan kulit wajah secara intensif untuk menjaga keremajaan kulit Anda.

Salah Memilih Produk Blush On

Tak sedikit wanita yang berpikir bahwa mengenakan blush on pada tulang pipi akan memberikan kesan rona segar pada wajah. Padahal sesungguhnya tidak demikian. Butuh keahlian khusus untuk menempatkan riasan blush on dengan tepat pada wajah.
Selain itu, sebaiknya warna blush on tampak natural dan senada denga warna lipstik agar tidak menimbulkan warna merah yang tampak kurang natural.

Memilih Warna Eyeliner Juga Bisa Keliru

Selama ini banyak yang menyangka kalau eyeliner berwarna hitam adalah paduan terbaik untuk wajah. Padahal eyeliner yang kontras dengan warna kulit ini justru bisa mempertegas kerutan-kerutan di sekitar mata. Sebagai alternatif, penggunaan eyeliner warna cokelat akan mempertegas bentuk mata sekaligus menyamarkan kerutan dengan sempurna.

Image credits : google
Article credit : Optify